Senin, 17 September 2012


This time I would like to share some thoughts about an issue which had been influenced Indonesia for a long time and (I think) it has not found out the completion yet.
I’m gonna talk about the CORRUPTION issue. Several of you might be boring or thinking that this is such an old fashioned issue. But it has haunted Indonesia protractedly and it has become fester by the increasing amount of corruptors.
Imagine that, they brutally drain out people’s money until which reached billions to trillions of rupiahs. Councils they’ve passed didn’t even bring any relief for people since they were got only several years of being jailed. Furthermore, those corruptors built a luxurious cell for their own comfort in prison. After they were finally set free, they didn’t show off any better change of behavior yet, they became more arrogant instead. Being jailed for the rest of their life is the most worthy punishment for them, didn’t it?
Even the mendicant who had stolen some grains of coconut had to be punished harshly and heavily, while the heartless corruptors could experience “the luxury life in jail”. Was that the work of law in Indonesia? How many times we need to jerk out the justice? Perhaps the law of Indonesia has been mute off by the dictatorship of corruptors. “Money always wins”, that’s the key! So do people also have to pay for gettin’ their justice?
What will it be if the public delegates of Indonesia disavow people’s right of prosperity and use them as a device to reach their own glory? As time goes by, the report of corruption case has even showed their “existence” at political sector as national parties. Even the delegates, who are supposed to be a role and a place of shelter for public, abused people’s trust. Then who will Indonesia people depends their fate with?
I put a big hope to the government to take a lot of care for Indonesia. Indonesia will be not going forward if they keep doing bad things and disappointing their people. Please be wise and make up all things to be better. This is all for our beloved country, Indonesia.

Note: Probably, my grammar isn’t really good, but I’ll keep study up and make up my mistakes. Cause my teacher said I shouldn’t be afraid of practicing my English skill wherever I been. So I’m asking apologize if there’re some (or many) mistakes of grammar in my post. 

2 komentar:

  1. iya deh yang pinter bahasa inggris :p

  2. hahaha yo ben :p
    sbnrnya udah aku tulis dari kmrn cuma baru di post aja
