Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

Super Junior Leeteuk's Enlistment October 30th, 2012

Today's Super Junior Leeteuk enlistment. The whole ELFs in the entire world were confusing, sad, and cryin'. Of course! Leeteuk is our great leader with a heart such an angel. He's the center point of Super Junior. What would we do in next 2 years without our beloved leader?

These are some pictures of his enlistment moment

His smiling face when he said goodbye to all people

His deep bow in front of members, news crew and more than 3,000 ELFs who were standing and cheering him up.

He even looked sooooo handsome in crew cut hair^^ <3

Last pictures with members exclude Zhoumi and Siwon.

His teary eyes while saluting, he tried so hard to hold back his tears

A several moment before leaving for ELFs Japan

Leeteuk and members

Kangin who looked like almost cryin' but tried hard to hold it back. He shed tears and said "All Leeteuk's feelings I understand".

Kyuhyun kept look at the ground while hiding his tears off. 

A picture when all members and ELFs were taking a picture together. This moment would be the last togetherness for 2 years forward.

Kamis, 18 Oktober 2012

Kyuhyun High Cut Magazine Update

Hello netizens! I'm comin' back with post of Kyuhyun who has been endorsed for High Cut Magazine with another members. 

He was soooooo gorgeous! 

He could be even so much better than these picture! My handsome Kyu^^

On this picture, he seemed a bit like a child, no doubts that he also very cute

Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

The True Thing

Okaay I’d like to share some thoughts of mine right now, I think this time will be a little sensitive yet privately so I put almost all words into English, since ,yeah I feel comfier to write it in English.

My friends used to assume that I was kidding when I said that Kyuhyun is the real one I love and nobody can replace him forever. They thought that it was just because an extraordinary addiction. But I’m telling you guys, all the things I said about my feeling to Kyuhyun were nothing but true words of my heart. Simply, I’m indeed in love with Kyuhyun. ‘Cause I always miss him desperately and I would love him endlessly.

Mereka selalu bilang “bangun mik, banguuuun, masa mau mimpi terus siih?” atau “Aduh mendingan kamu cepetan cari pacar deh, atau mau aku kenalin sama temenku?”. Jujur sih, mendingan aku mimpi terus daripada “bangun” tapi ujung-ujungnya di duain atau di kasih harapan palsu. Lagipula ga ada tuh yang bisa ngasih aku progress positif yang berarti selain Kyuhyun.

What’s wrong if I love a super big star like him? He’s only a human, right? Dia manusia, aku juga manusia. Dia butuh makan dan tidur, aku-pun juga. Dia punya hak-hak yang sama seperti orang lain. Well, mungkin kita memang lahir dengan takdir yang berbeda. Dia adalah seorang superstar terkenal, sedangkan aku cuma orang biasa. Tapi, pada dasarnya kita semua sama di mata Tuhan. Dia hanyalah laki-laki 24 tahun biasa yang kebetulan ditakdirkan sebagai seorang superstar. Please… Dia tidak semulia dan sesuci Nabi. Kalo Nabi sih emang ga bisa dibandingin sama manusia manapun. So, why I can’t love him as an ordinary human?

I never sight him as a stunning superstar, I especially love him as Cho Kyuhyun who has a fantastic fate as a very successful singer. I believe he has many benefits and weaknesses.  He may not be what he may seem inside his shell (Elvis Costello –SHE). That’s why I think it has been my fate to love him even until the rest of my life. Big thanks for My Lord who had given me this wonderful life to love him…
The thing is whatever you say I won’t even pay any attention. Terserah aja mau bilang apa, toh itu hak kalian untuk berkomentar, keep respecting others opinion guys!^_^

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012

Past Tense

1. He looked at me deeply couple days ago.
a. He didn't look at me deeply couple days ago.
b. Did he look at me deeply couple days ago?

2. Kyuhyun sang a song perfectly last night.
a. Kyuhyun didn't sang a song perfectly last night.
b. Did Kyuhyun sing a song perfectly last night?

3. My mother was very sick last week.
a. My mother was not very sick last week.
b. Was my mother very sick last week?

4. I felt so awkward when he caught my eyes yesterday.
a. I didn't feel so awkward when he caught my eyes yesterday.
b. Did i feel so awkward when he caught my eyes yesterday?

5. Super Junior was created in 2006.
a. Super Junior was created in 2006.
b. Was Super Junior created in 2006?

6. Kyuhyun won "Immortal Song 2" several months ago.
a. Kyuhyun didn't win "Immortal Song 2" several months ago.
b. Did Kyuhyun win "Immortal Song 2" several months ago?

7. My dad repaired my motorbike.
a. My dad didn't repair my motorbike.
b. Did My dad repair my motorbike?

8. She was well-treated.
a. She wasn't well treated.
b. Was she well treated?

9. He drank last night.
a. He didn't drink last night.
b. Did he drink last night?

10. That shoes was bought by Mom.
a. That shoes wasn't bought by Mom.
b. Was that shoes bought by Mom?

Sorry for any mistake on writing or grammar^^

Someone Watchin' Over Me

These last several weeks, i've been attracted again to someone who i ever loved and ever forgot before. I've tried extremely hard to forget him but it seems that God wouldn't allow me to do that such thing.

Honestly, i still love him... But i was really puttin' big attempt on forgettin' him. When i almost completely forgot him, God always give me dreams of him in almost every night i had.

Then, something that i couldn't deny is the chance to meet him. I meet him everyday since we're in the same school -_-

One more thing, he often looks at me whenever we met. I mean, he was watchin' me deeply until i became clumsy and awkward due to his sight. I could feel it every time he looks at me. My friends often say : What's actually on his mind until he's lookin' at you hardly?(They always notice whenever he looks at me)

I'm definitely confused of his thoughts. He's sometimes gettin' close but somewhat faraway. The thing is i can't keep my eyes off him...

If God let us have a chance to be together, may God would make it easier, however, if God wouldn't allow us, i pray that i would be so much easier to take him out of my mind. Because think of him could freak me up  -_-

The Hang Up Dream

The hang up dream, artinya mimpi yang menggantung. Yup, postingan kali ini Saya mau membahas soal impian dan keinginan kita masing-masing.

Mungkin dulu kecil, waktu ditanya mau jadi apa kita akan menjawab dengan mudahnya, “Aku mau jadi dokter!” atau “Aku mau menjelajahi bulan sebagai seorang astronot!”, dan lain lain. Kita akan membayangkan seolah-olah kita adalah seorang dokter dengan memakai kemeja milik ayah dan teleskop mainan, atau yang mau jadi pesepak bola akan bergaya layaknya pemain sepak bola pro di tengah lapangan. Kalau sekarang apakah kita masih bisa menyerukan impian kita secara lantang kepada semua orang? Can we act as if we are who we wanted to be? 

Seiring bertambahnya usia, semakin banyak pula hal-hal yang harus kita kerjakan. Padatnya aktivitas dalam keseharian membuat kita berangsur-angsur melupakan cita-cita yang dulu kita dambakan. Ketika kita beranjak dewasa kita berpikir bahwa hal-hal yang dulu kita impikan tidak mudah untuk diraih. Bahwa jalan mewujudkannya semakin sulit dan berliku. Lalu kita mulai kehilangan jati diri dan apa yang sebenarnya paling kita inginkan. Kita tersesat dalam kesibukan yang menyumpal setiap urat syaraf tubuh. Setelah itu, kita menyerah pada keadaan dan mudah merasa lelah serta putus asa pada setiap kesulitan yang kita hadapi.

Akhirnya kita takut untuk mewujudkan mimpi kita, dan menguburnya dalam lubuk hati kita hanya sebatas untuk dikenang. Isn’t it pitiful? After all, we would regret and pity up ourselves when we saw somebody else been successful with their own dream which is similar with what we wanted to be. Kita akan menyalahkan diri kita sendiri karena kita tidak berani mengambil keputusan dan membiarkan orang lain “melompati” langkah kita. Yang tersisa hanyalah penyesalan dan penyesalan. 

So, kenapa kita harus takut dalam mengambil keputusan dan mengubah kenyataan hidup kita? Jika memang nekat dibutuhkan, maka nekatlah! Anything as long as it has positive impacts, I believe God will give us easiness to make it happen. Yang namanya rintangan itu pasti ada, jatuh-bangun dalam berusaha pasti juga akan terjadi berkali-kali, kuncinya Cuma satu, kemauan yang tinggi dan pantang menyerah! Mulailah dari sesuatu yang kecil. Ingat, tidak perlu merubah dunia menjadi yang kita inginkan, kita harus bisa merubah diri sendiri dulu, buatlah dunia mengakui kita, maka dunia akan dengan sendirinya menjadi seperti yang kita inginkan. 

Sebenarnya saya menulis postingan ini, tidak hanya untuk memberi motivasi kepada para pembaca,tapi juga untuk memotivasi diri saya sendiri. Saya sedang mengalami apa yang dinamakan krisis jati diri. Saya memiliki impian yang sudah mendarah daging sejak saya kecil. Mengingat apa yang dulu saya lakukan, membuat saya sangat passionate untuk mewujudkannya. Hanya saja, saya kurang berani dan percaya diri,sehingga untuk saat ini, saya membiarkan hidup saya berjalan biasa-biasa saja, dengan hanya berusaha untuk berprestasi di sekolah. Tapi lewat blog ini saya akan mencoba untuk menyalurkan aspirasi saya dan semoga saja bisa meraih apa yang saya impikan. Begitu pula dengan readers!! Never give up for something that you’ve never try.

Analytical Exposition

Couple days ago, my group members and I were presenting about Analytical Exposition which text was made by my group. We prefer made a text of our own instead of searching in Google. The result was great! The other groups were having a bit problem since they presented the same text. This was the benefit of making your own Analytical text ;)

Here's the Analytical Exposition text we've made :

Aim of Analytical Exposistion:
To persuade the readers/listeners that something is the case.

Parts of Analytical Exposition :
1. Thesis : It consists of what topic is being discussed
2. Arguments : Tells the reasons or opinion of the writer's
3. Restatement : It shows the conclusion of arguments

It was a bit awkward when i was standing in front of the class and tellin' them about my presentation. We were a little confused of what were we goin' to do but we could handle it with a well-team organize. The presentation was also valuable for us and taught us how to be brave and confident in public speaking.

That's all of my post, thank 'kyu' for reading! Leave a comment or follow me^^

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2012

Tucket The Bucket

My PPL teacher ordered us to retell a narrative text by our own way which we have been watched today. Here we go...

Once, there was a bucket named Tucket who was used to fetch water by a gardener. He was always happy since he could be useful for the gardener. But, one day, a hole was found in the bottom of Tucket. He was suddenly being thrown away, he even often got kicked by the gardener.

Then, a little girl was passing the garden and stopped next to Tucket. Tucket sighed and thought that he would be kicked again. Surprisingly, he found himself under the garden hose and was being cleaned up by the girl. She used Tucket as a flower pot for her little rose. She asked him to take care of her rose. She putted him in the veranda, and Tucket felt like the happiest bucket in the world.

That's all of my story. Thank "kyu"^^ I'll be posting again next time!