Senin, 15 Oktober 2012

The True Thing

Okaay I’d like to share some thoughts of mine right now, I think this time will be a little sensitive yet privately so I put almost all words into English, since ,yeah I feel comfier to write it in English.

My friends used to assume that I was kidding when I said that Kyuhyun is the real one I love and nobody can replace him forever. They thought that it was just because an extraordinary addiction. But I’m telling you guys, all the things I said about my feeling to Kyuhyun were nothing but true words of my heart. Simply, I’m indeed in love with Kyuhyun. ‘Cause I always miss him desperately and I would love him endlessly.

Mereka selalu bilang “bangun mik, banguuuun, masa mau mimpi terus siih?” atau “Aduh mendingan kamu cepetan cari pacar deh, atau mau aku kenalin sama temenku?”. Jujur sih, mendingan aku mimpi terus daripada “bangun” tapi ujung-ujungnya di duain atau di kasih harapan palsu. Lagipula ga ada tuh yang bisa ngasih aku progress positif yang berarti selain Kyuhyun.

What’s wrong if I love a super big star like him? He’s only a human, right? Dia manusia, aku juga manusia. Dia butuh makan dan tidur, aku-pun juga. Dia punya hak-hak yang sama seperti orang lain. Well, mungkin kita memang lahir dengan takdir yang berbeda. Dia adalah seorang superstar terkenal, sedangkan aku cuma orang biasa. Tapi, pada dasarnya kita semua sama di mata Tuhan. Dia hanyalah laki-laki 24 tahun biasa yang kebetulan ditakdirkan sebagai seorang superstar. Please… Dia tidak semulia dan sesuci Nabi. Kalo Nabi sih emang ga bisa dibandingin sama manusia manapun. So, why I can’t love him as an ordinary human?

I never sight him as a stunning superstar, I especially love him as Cho Kyuhyun who has a fantastic fate as a very successful singer. I believe he has many benefits and weaknesses.  He may not be what he may seem inside his shell (Elvis Costello –SHE). That’s why I think it has been my fate to love him even until the rest of my life. Big thanks for My Lord who had given me this wonderful life to love him…
The thing is whatever you say I won’t even pay any attention. Terserah aja mau bilang apa, toh itu hak kalian untuk berkomentar, keep respecting others opinion guys!^_^

2 komentar:

  1. wow.. what a confession.. :) lemme tell you this dear, whatever you feel to long as it does you good.. just keep fuckin' going. hha
    tapi harus siap siap patah hati juga..karna pasti saingannya bejibun .. :P

  2. Yeah thankyu miss :D I think that guys out there are just goin' to trick me or playin' me around. I'm only a 15 y-o teenager and i'm only gonna be focused on somethin' good for me. Furthermore it's really fun being single and able to do anything i want to :D
